The Big Bang Theory Season 1 - Episode 14

"The Nerdvana Annihilation"

This episode was originally titled The Nerdmabelia Scattering. Leonard buys a replica time machine from the 1960 film, The Time Machine, online believing it to be a miniature... though it turns out to be full-sized. As the boys move it into the apartment they accidentally make Penny late for work causing her to lash out at Leonard for his nerdy ways. Upset, Leonard decides to get rid of all his 'nerdmabelia' and the guys try to convince him not to (or sell it to them, whichever). In the end Sheldon confronts Penny about her own love of childish things (Hello Kitty, Beanie Babies,My Little Pony etc) and she apologizes to Leonard. However she has a new boyfriend named Mike, and once Leonard finds this out he reverts to his old ways.
The title refers to Howard's reference that Leonard's collection of comics, action figures, Darth Vader voice changer, etc. was "Nerdvana".

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